Sunday, 5 December 2010


After a very super cun-ted weekend, it has come again to that time of the week, where I would wake up early and face the computer for like 8 hours zzz...But hey it taught me a lot to learn to be 'konnonya' submissive and most importantly hardwoking!!!...hehe~ If anyone knows me well enough he/she should know amongn everything, I'm the most lazzzyyyyy and lovesss procrastinating...~But I hope by days I'm learning to change...!

It's been a very tiring week last week, physically and even more emotionally...I think I'm having depression haha~like seriously!!!Randomly, I would feel superbly down... Then in like the next minute, I was like hyperly super active... Maybe I have bipolar...or AD/HD...or.....lalalalala~Unstable feelings in my heart always..!

But last week, I noticed quite some many things that seems..appealing!..You know sometimes there were times when not only tragedy would bring you down in life...It is all those little little cumulative disappointment in life.

Just wondering for anyone would read this.. I've been pondering as to why ppl would in from believing in something good to the opposite..~
It's quite bitter when a person puts his whole heart and soul to do something and only to find out that when he returns to celebrate with his closest ones, they weren't there to even say thanks or worst, even ignoring him. Sometimes its like this ya know in life...When previously we have done so badly in life and then we decided to 'turn over to a new leaf', but there was no one even there to acknowledge the tough battle and struggle. Or when we have done something so preciously,with effort and just been shown a cold shoulder despite the trouble...Now that's crappy ain't it?...

At many times, when we went through such things, we would feel as though there is totally no point to continue on doing what we would do, and rather better to do things that might get attention such as drawing out from a crowd, or isolating yourself, or doing 'deviant' stuffs!~ Only to find out that, Hey,that joker who did not acknowledge me previously now is freaking judging me...

Hmm sad huh~?..Maybe that's how life is when we look it from a very discouraging point of view..Allow me to break the ice~!hehe~...

We will always hope for ppl to accept us for who we are by what we do at most of the time. When our boss would not acknowledge our work..When our friends would not accept us...When our parents would complain about our test results...When our spouse would compare us... These are all times when we are rejected and told indirectly that you are just not good enough...
The truth is...There is exactly no time that you can please everyone...Even at times do remember that there are times that you can never please anyone at all!~...Because that's life and until we get a very firm grip of that reality, we're still gonna struggle to get ppl's favour and attention ya see... I understand the pain of being overlooked of your effort.

So why do we continue doing the good stuff we are doing despite knowing this then>?I'll leave that for you and your consciousness to figure out....Hehe~Because I struggled as well to answer to myself why am I doing good things for ppl who never want to appreciate it....May you continue to find the answer that will encourage you...

That will encourage you to love even care for ppl that never cared about you hold their hands of those who abandoned you care and to concern for those who took advantage over you...
That, my friend, is when you would understand that the joy of loving is much more than that of gaining recognition for all the works we've done...
Do try it yeah...
Even when ppl tell you it's not worth it..and hating is the easier way.Just try it...You'll make a difference definitely =)...

You know also, that the best thing happens when we never expected for acceptance and then when we were accepted..Holy-moly..that's the best feeling like ever.Period...hehe

Do look at the bright side always yeah... If you know enough, life is never one easy road, but it's worth doing a difference with what we can even if people know it or not...=)

Love life!Be encouraged!!!!

-Because it's worth doing so-


In support of anti-suicide!X)

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