Monday, 29 November 2010


Boredness running through my blood...~
So I decide to share some personal things in this not-many-ppl (if there even is) that read this blog of mine XD...

Even after one year and 5 months after my dad's accident, there's always flashback ya know, and unpleasant memories.. First because I came from a broken family and next is because of the sucky accident... So yeah, its kinda of a struggling to live everyday...
Being the only son in then house apart from my step mum stresses me out everyday with house works and responsibility, and yesshhhhh many time its really on the edge...
Funny eh?...When ppl is in their most terrible moment, ppl around us will judge us even more instead of offering a helping hand... I was very bitter because of ppl that are constantly criticizing my life and the way I took care of my dad...Well Many time I wish they would Shut the hell Up..>~ For real~ =P... Forgive my rudeness...

It was hard and still is...and many times I wonder why am I still taking care of ppl around me when I cant even take care of my own...

Well when would it end??hehe~ God knows/...

But will stand strong though in this world of gazillion discouragement....

Love life!Be encouraged!!!!

-Because it's worth doing so-


In support of anti-suicide!X)


  1. "and many times I wonder why am I still taking care of ppl around me when I cant even take care of my own...Well when would it end?? hehe~ God knows/..."

    You have a heart of gold and that has been bestowed upon you. Now you maybe disgruntled upon all these, the adversities but the Reward awaits you ahead. And that, Emmanuel.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. =) thanks yeah hehe~ It reli helps a lot!! Merry Christmas in forward...
